
Professional Services in Exchange for Donations to Charity. It's as simple as that.

DonateMyFee Volunteers

Yonah Russ Shaun Waksman

How do you join?

To join DonateMyFee.org:

  1. Fork the yruss972/donatemyfee repository on Github.
  2. In your fork, add a subdirectory with your personal profile, cause, contact information, etc. There is an example.profile directory that you can copy and modify if you want to get started quickly.
  3. If you would like to be listed on the Volunteers or Charities pages, include the additions in your pull request as well.
  4. Lastly, make a pull request against the yruss972/donatemyfee repository

Your pull request will be reviewed and once approved, you can start referring clients. If you would like, you can also get a forwarding email address @donatemyfee.org

If you aren't tech savy, create a new issue here and someone will be in touch to help create a page for you.

Click to see who's benefiting.


  • Volunteers & Charities listed on DonateMyFee.org are not endorsed or recommended by DonateMyFee.org in any way.
  • All arrangements between volunteers, their charities, and their clients are the volunteers' sole responsibilities.